Privacy policy

legal references

  • Directive 2002/58/EC - concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector.
  • EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data which repeals the Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)


data controller

Visiting this websites may result into processing data relating to identified or identified natural persons.The Data Controller is Rossella de Focatiis, residente in via Antonio Maffi 13a – 20162 Milano.


categories of processed personal data

Browsing data

The information systems and software procedures relied upon to operate this website acquire personal data as part of their standard functioning: the transmission of such data is an inherent feature of the Internet communication protocols.


This information is not collected to be combined with identified interests; however, given its nature, this information may allow for the identification of users by processing and combining it with data controlled by third parties.


This data category includes IP addresses, or the domain names of the computer used by the user to browse the Website, the URI addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used for submitting the request to the server, the returned file size, a numerical code relating to server response status (successfully performed, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the user’s operating system and computer environment.


This data is only used to extract anonymous statistical information on the website functioning and  to check its correct functioning operation and is normally erased immediately after processing. Browsing data may be used to investigate on and identify the perpetrators of any cybercrimes committed against the website.



Data supplied with optional consent of the user

Any personal data provided with optional and voluntary consent from the user in the registration forms when interacting with this website functions is processed to supply the requested service.

Specific information notices will be progressively reported or displayed  in the website sections that are used providing certain services on demand.



Cookies are small text files containing information exchanged between a website and user’s  computer or mobile device (usually the browser). They are mainly used to run websites and make them work efficiently, and to provide information to the owners of the website.


Cookies can be either session cookies or persistent cookies. Session cookies are stored on the computer or mobile device for a short duration period and are immediately erased after the closure of the browser by the user. Their use is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (composed by random numbers generated by the server) necessary to allow a safe and efficient website search.


Persistent cookies stay stored in the user’s computer until a preset expiry date.

Since they are not erased at the closure of the browser they allow to store the user’s preferences on the website and gather information on the pages visited by the user, the frequency of the visits and to identify the user’s navigation path to improve their experience on the website.


Sessions cookies and persistent cookies can be “Fist-party” or “Third-party” dependending on the  subject installing the cookies on the user’s computer. “First-party when the subject is the same” or “third-party” cookies when the subject is different.


Types of cookies used by this Website

This Website uses both First-party and Third-party cookies because it makes use of  Google Analytics services, provided by Google Inc.


Google Analytics uses “cookies” to gather and process information related to the use of the websites visited by the user.

For more information on Google Analytics cookies and their use by Google Inc. see:


  • Google Cookies information policy:
  • Google Analytics Privacy Policy:


Google Analytics (Google)

_ ga:

Expiry date: 2 years

Source: Google

Type: Tracking

Purpose:register a univocal ID to generate statistical data on your use of the website.



Expiry date: Session

Source: Google Analytics

Type: Analytical

Purpose: Used by Google Analytics to limit the frequency of the requests.


Click for more information on Google Analytics cookies:


Cookies Marketing

DoubleClick (Google)


Expiry date: Session

Source: (Google)

Type: Targeting

Purpose: Collects data measuring the efficiency of the advertisements displayed or selected and displays focused advertisements.



Expiry date: 12 months


Type: Targeting

Purpose: Used by Google DoubleClick to register and provide reports on user’s  actions on the website after having displayed or clicked one advertisement of the advertiser to measure the efficiency of one advertisement and provide targeted advertising to the user.



Expiry date: Session


Type: Tracking

Purpose: Used to verify if the user’s browser support the cookies.

Click for more information on DoubleClick cookies:


OpenX (Network Salute)


Expiry date: Session


Type: Tracking

Purpose: owner banner ads publication (not profiling), ad serving displaying (not profiling) in the website.
Anonimous calculation of impressions and click on banners.



Expiry date: 12 months


Type: Tracking

Purpose: Anonimous calculation of clicks on banners.


ShareThis (


Expiry date: 12 months


Type: Tracking

Purpose: This cookie is a unique identifier used by ShareThis to track the content you displays and shares.

Click here for more information on  ShareThis:




Expiry date: 3 months

Type: Remarketing

Purpose: Used by Facebook to supply a set of advertising products like real-time offers from third advertisers.

Click here for more information on Facebook policy:




Expiring date: 179 days


Type: Technical

Purpose: Try to estimate the connection speed of the user on pages with integrated YouTube videos.



Expiry date: Session


Type: Tracking

Purpose: Register a unique ID for statistics linked to YouTube videos displayed by the user.



Expiry date: 8 months


Type: Tracking

Purpose: Register a unique ID used by Google for statistics linked to the way the user uses YouTube videos on different web sites.

For more information on YouTube:



Expiry date: 12 months


Type: Technical

Purpose: User profiling service. Plugin for newsletter management.



Beyond the cookies in the table, this website may use other session cookies, namely those cookies that are not persistently stored on the user’s computer and disappear when the browser is closed.  Their use is strictly limited.


Cookies management

Usually browsers allow the management of the  majority of the cookies via the browser settings.

It should be noted, however, that the total or partial disabling of technical c.d. cookies might compromise the functionality of the Website.  In any case, if  the users does not wish to accept any cookies on their computer either from this Website or from other sites, they may increase the privacy protection level by changing the security settings on their browser:


  • Mozilla Firefox:
  • Google Chrome:
  • Internet Explorer:
  • Safari 6/7 Mavericks:
  • Safari 8 Yosemite:
  • Safari su iPhone, iPad, o iPod touch:


LINKs to other WEBsites

This website may contain links or references to access other websites, e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Twitter and Pinterest.

For example, by clicking on the related links you may share our contents.

We hereby inform you that the data controller does not monitor cookies or other monitoring technologies of other websites to which the present Policy does not apply.



volountary providing of personal data

Except for what has been specified for navigation data, users are free to provide their personal data.  However failure to provide such data may result in failure to be provided with the items requested.


MODALITy for data processing

Personal data is processed also using automated instruments. Specific security procedures are complied with in order to prevent the loss of data, unlawful or incorrect uses and unauthorized access.
The data controller adopted all minimum safety measures prescribed by law  in compliance with main International standards, has moreover applied further security measures to reduce to a minimum  the risks to the privacy, the availability and the completeness of the collected and processed personal data.


sharing, communication and dissemination of data

The data collected may be transferred or communicated to authorized third parties  for activities closely connected and instrumental to the efficiency of the service, such as the management of the data processing system. Personal data provided by users forwarding requests of information material (brochures, informative material, etc.) is only used to execute the requested service and is only disclosed to third parties if necessary for said purpose (companies supplying bagging, labelling, shipment).

Apart from said cases, personal data will not be disclosed nor given to anybody unless this is in compliance with contractual obligations or users have given their consent.

Therefore, personal information may be transmitted to third parties solely and exclusively if:

  1. there is an explicit consent to share data with third parties;
  2. there is the need to share the information with third parties in order to process the required service;
  3. this is essential to execute requests from Judicial Authorities or the Police.

No data whatsoever deriving from the online service is ever disclosed or circulated.


Data subject rights

The legislation regarding the protection of personal data explicitly provides some rights of the subject the data refers to.  In particular as referred to in Articles 15 et seqq. of EU Regulation 2017/679, each data subject has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning them exist, to verify source, purpose and how the data is processed, updated, corrected,  integrated, as well as deleted in case it has been  processed unlawfully or in case where a reason under art. 17 of EU Regulation 2016/679 exists.



changes to the current PRIVACY policy

The data controller checks privacy and security policies regularly and, if necessary, reviews them in accordance with amendments introduced by law, the organization, or prompted by technological developments. In the event of any changes to the policies the new version will be published on this page of the Website.


requests, complaints, suggestions and exercise of the rights

Anyone interested in additional information, willing to contribute their own suggestions or send complaints or concerns about any issues arising in connection with the company’s privacy policy, or the manner in which our company processes personal data, as well as willing to enforce their right with reference to legislation on data protection they are welcome to write to

Rossella de Focatiis, residente in via Antonio Maffi 13a – 20162 Milano.


Law and jurisdiction

Interpretation and execution of these terms and conditions are regulated by the Italian law. The Court of the consumer will have exclusive jurisdiction for any controversies emerging from or connected with the terms and conditions outlined herein.


The data controller reserve the right to take urgent measures at any Court even abroad, to protect their interest  or to enforce their  rights.



Copyright Oncovita 2017